Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sick Babes

It has been a tough few days. Zoe got sick on Saturday and then Ally got sick today. I hate seeing my babies sick. It is hard on everyone when someone in the house is sick. Especially on me. I learned again how I need to just roll with the punches and not get to hung up on what I had planned.

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my plans and then I am easily frustrated with the girls and how they messed things up. And my plans aren't even that important. I don't know why, I am usually an easy going person. When I am frustrated I just can't manage the my temper or handle dealing with the girls.

On top of Zoe being sick, I am still dealing with her sleep issues. Last night was so hard! Zoe just would not sleep and she kept screaming - now this girl has the absolute worst cry it is like a screech! When she starts screeching it just drives me up the wall and I can just about lose it. When I am exhausted and she won't sleep and keeps screeching, I hate to admit it but I can understand why people shake their babies. I can control myself but I can see how someone could do it. I can control myself. Last night I discovered something to keep myself from getting frustrated and annoyed. I just start repeating over and over in my head, "I love you, Zoe. I love you, Zoe" And it really worked! I calmed down immediately and it turned the whole day around too. Usually after a tough night I am done for the next day but today went really well. Even with the girls being sick and needy.

I am learning how much easier it is when I just roll with things. I hope I can keep it up! It makes everyone much happier.

Also, another good thing happened today! I lost weight! I lose 1.2 lbs! Woohoo! I followed the diet and counted really well. I am glad that when I actually follow the diet that it works!

1 comment:

  1. awww I know the feeling! I am so proud of you and your strength! I am trying to take your lead! I am hoping that once I start working out again that it will get rid of some of the stress that I end up taking out on my kid. Good for you for following the diet and loosing weight! That is fantastic!
