Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I am down 1.4 lbs! Woohoo! My official weight is 209.2 lbs. I had a horrible weekend, I ended up in the hospital and didn't sleep for about 48 hours. I ended up having to eat twice at a fast food place and then I enjoyed some comfort food. But I got back on the wagon as soon as I could and it paid off.

I had been weighing myself through out the week and it was down last week and then after my hospital stay the scale was going up and up. I was getting rather depressed but I was glad that there was a reason at least. Thankfully when I got to the meeting and stepped on to the scale it was lower than last week. I have decided not to step on my scale again. I don't need the emotional up and down when my scale is inaccurate.

I haven't exercised but right now it is important for me to be well rested and sane. I am finding the lack of sleep is really getting to me and I am having a hard time getting through the day. So my priority is eating well and sleep.

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